5 Fandom Friday: Fictional Couples


Well, I decided to join in on 5 Fandom Fridays with Super Space Chick & The Nerdy Girlie. I have been following both for only a few weeks, but I love reading everyone’s roundups on Friday mornings – so I thought I should be a participant, rather than a lurker.

This week is all about love, because Valentine’s. Duh. So here’s a list of my top 5 fictional character pairings. I don’t usually ship characters myself, so I’m just going with favorite couples that are actually couples. And….go.

The Ruby Circle | Richelle Mead

1. Sydney Sage & Adrian Ivashkov (Bloodlines). I’m only halfway through the 3rd book of this series, but I’ve been obsessed with Adrian since Vampire Academy. I was really rooting for his happiness in that one, but I think it’s definitely going to happen in this series. For real. I love Adrian’s enigmatic personality & how he completely balance’s out Sydney’s neuroses. I’m a wholehearted believer of the “opposites attract” trope when the characters are solidly planted at opposite ends of the personality spectrum.  I can’t wait to see how this relationship plays out in the last half of the series!

Lafayette & Jesus

2. Lala & Jesus. True Blood consumed a lot of my life while it was on the air, and I loved nothing more than watching Lafayette & Jesus fall in love. They are so devoted to one another & it kills me to think how happy they could have been if they had only lived ANYWHERE other than Bon Temps.  I love Lafayette SO much that I can’t bring myself to read the books because I’ve heard he’s not in them. WHAT? Unacceptable. I’ll probably still read them, anyway. Obviously.

Felicity Smoak + Oliver Queen

3. Felicity & Oliver. Dear GOD, just be together already! You want it, we want it. Just do itttttt. It makes my heart hurt to think about how close they are to perfect happiness.


4.  Windows & Zoe. Ok, I’m getting to squee levels in my head, here. I can’t even express how much I love the movie Fanboys. And it’s even harder to explain how much I love Windows (Jay Baruchel) and Zoe (Kristen Bell). This is one of those relationships that plays out in an exaggerated version of how it would have happened in real life (I mean, the whole movie is just over-the-top, so what do you expect??). I love that Zoe can hold her own with the boys  in the comic shop & that she swears like a sailor and isn’t afraid to show her boobs to prove a point. I love that Windows is so laser-focused on his online girlfriend that he’s oblivious to anything going on around him. And while the culmination of their feelings for one another is a little cringe-worthy, it’s still got a lot of heart & makes you believe in love for nerds everywhere. I could probably write an entire tome about this movie.


5. B’Elanna Torres & Tom Paris. The ultimate OTP for me, is B’Elanna & Tom Paris (Star Trek: Voyager). This is the first adult relationship I watched unfold on screen & it’s among the most realistic fictional relationships I think I’ve ever seen. They are completely devoted to one another, but that doesn’t mean they like each other all the time. Their personalities clash & there is some pretty intense drama, but they always come back because they love each other.

Top 3 Honorable mentions:

Buffy + Spike

Buffy + Spike. I knew this one would cause a lot of controversy, but it’s one I’ve always felt strongly about. I’m currently re-watching the series & will hold my opinions until I’m all the way through, since the last time I saw it I was around 16 years old. Re-watching as an adult has changed my opinion of a lot of things about the series, so far. But as of the middle of Season 5, I’m still team Spike.


Jason Stackhouse + Eric Northman. Come ON. This was so hot. Who didn’t love it?

The One

America & Maxon. Oh god, The Selection series. How it has invaded my mind on many a sleepless night. Seriously. I finished The One way back in May and I STILL have dreams about the characters. Maxon Schreave is probably one of my biggest fictional crushes.  America’s a little too flip-floppy for me though.

There you have it. All in the mood for romance this weekend. This was really fun & I can’t wait to participate in next week’s 5 Fandom Friday! How about you? Any OTP’s that you’re super passionate about?

Until next time ❤


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