Fall/Winter TBR List: Books Galore!

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Well, I think I’ve finally put a finger on why I’m feeling so stressed out lately! Regardless of how excited I am for Fall (and Halloween, of course), I haven’t been able to shake this feeling like I’m never going to accomplish everything I want to by the end of the year. It’s been really discouraging, but I’ve realized it’s just because I’m too damn ambitious.

I read a quote the other day that was along the lines of “having too much freedom and too many options leads to procrastination” and I think that completely sums up my entire life perfectly. So. I’m going to try and cut back on my expectations of myself and work towards smaller goals – with the help of my trusty Passion Planner, obviously – and just make things more manageable for myself until I have developed better habits. All that’s a post for another day, though.

Today, I’m going to start small and share my To Be Read (TBR) list for Fall/Winter 2015. I’m under no delusions that I will actually get through all of these books in the next three months, but I’m already on track to make a pretty big dent (assuming I don’t hit a book slump after finishing Queen of Shadows for the 2nd time…eek!).

I went back & forth on whether I wanted to share these by genre or by the order I have tentatively assigned to them, and I think I’m going with my random order, so we can see how many I end up skipping by the end of the year. Because *that* won’t be discouraging to look back on (sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm).

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  • Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas (re-read)
  • Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas (re-read)
  • Coraline by Neil Gaiman (AB read-along)
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (bookdrunkinlove read-along)
  • Through the Woods by Emil Carrol (AB graphic novel read-along)
  • Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
  • Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs
  • Dracula by Bram Stoker
  • Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling (re-read)
  • Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling (re-read)

Books 11-20

  • I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson
  • Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn
  • Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn
  • The Last Command by Timothy Zahn
  • The Wrath & The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
  • Uprooted by Naomi Novik
  • The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
  • With this Heart by RS Grey
  • Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote
  • Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling (re-read)

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Aditionally, I’ve got the following graphic novels that I’d like to finish before the end of the year:

  1. Sex Criminals vol. 1
  2. Wicked + Divine vol. 2
  3. Hawkeye vol. 1
  4. Saga vol. 5
  5. Halloween Eve

So needless to say, I’ve got an overly ambitious reading list for the season, and that’s only one aspect of my life I’ve been planning out. There is physically no possible way to get everything done that is on my to-do list, and I think that’s really got me frozen in place and feeling stuck. I’m sure someone out there can relate. I hope someone out there can relate…

In the end, I think it’s a matter of recognizing that it’s not the end of the world, and it’s definitely not something to be ashamed about if I don’t get around to everything. I mean, I’ve already surpassed the number of books I read in 2014. Right now I’m sitting at 33 books read this year, plus a ton of comics that I haven’t even counted towards my goal. I’d say I’m doing alright. And I need to look at things from this perspective more often. I also need to prioritize all of my 2015 goals to determine which ones I want to focus on for the next 3 months. It’s a work in progress, you guys… but aren’t we all? 🙂

Until Next Time ❤

*AB = AdultBooklr (what’s that?)

5 Fandom Friday! 5 Fictional Pets I Wanna Adopt

My goodness, I miss 5 Fandom Fridays! What is wrong with me? Why do I think I’ll be fine skipping a week? It makes me so sad when I don’t get to hang out with everyone for 5FF!

This week’s prompt is hella cute: 5 Fictional Pets I Want to Adopt, and I’ve put a lot of thought into this. This list is, for once, in order of want.

5. Marcel (FRIENDS)

Sure, he’s kind of a little shit, but he’s so cute & smart & loyal. I’d snuggle him for sure.

4.  FalKor

Not TECHNICALLY a pet, but I want a Luckdragon!! Adventures abound!

3.  Abraxos


Loyalty and ferocity. Perfect for a badass pet.

2.  Lying Cat

Heh. The cake is a lie, you guys. Don’t even pretend you don’t want a Lying Cat.

1. Hedwig

Because duh.


So, yay for 5FF! Created by Kristin & Megan! Check out #5FF or #Fandom5 to see more!


Until Next Time ❤

5 Fandom Friday: Comic Characters that Deserve Their Own Screen Time

Hey, hey! So I’m still a  comic book n00b. I’m not afraid to admit it. The only one I’ve really READ so far is Saga, but I’ve got a nice little collection going (and a surprisingly long pull list) & I can already tell you who I would love to see in their own Movie/TV Show.

1. Scarlet Witch – I want a TV show that is all Wanda, all the time. I know enough about her history to know it would make a crazy exciting TV show & there would never be a shortage of canon material or even opportunities for show runners to go a little off-book. I want it and I want it NOW! Also, as much as I was actually impressed by Elizabeth Olsen’s portrayal of Wanda, I’d like to see this re-cast.

2. Quicksilver – You’d think that since Quicksilver would probably be pretty active in my Scarlet Witch TV show above, that it would satisfy my need to see more & more & more of him on screen. You’d think that, but you’d be wrong. I really loved Aaron Taylor Johnson’s portrayal in AoU, BUT nothing makes my heart as happy as Evan Peters in X-Men: DOFP. I want an Evan Peters Quicksilver movie. 2 hours of pure, glorious, snarky Pietro wreaking havoc on poor, unsuspecting souls.

3. Spider-Gwen – I’m gonna need to demand this, more than request it. I want a Spider-Gwen movie. It would be awesome if Emma Stone reprised her Gwen Stacy role, but I’d be fine with a re-cast for this. I just really want the whole Spider-Gwen AU in a movie that I know would become one of my comfort films.

4. Alana & Marko – Come on, don’t act surprised. You all saw this coming. It would be SO difficult to do this series justice on screen, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it. Because I really, really want it. Maybe it could even be animated? And Fiona Staples’ epic artwork could just come to life? Oh crap. I love that. Yes. That. That is what we need.

5. Harley Quinn – I actually know very little about HQ’s story, but I know that she is a genius-level sassy pants/ badass and the proper portrayal of her on screen could really speak to a lot of women out there. If we could see her go through her abusive relationship with The Joker, but make it totally NOT the central part of the story & have her come out on the other side of that realizing she’s stronger without him, it’d be kind of great, right?

Big thanks to Super Space Chick & The Nerdy Girlie for getting us all rolling on 5 Fandom Fridays! If you want to see more, just track the #Fandom5 tag on Twitter 🙂

Until Next Time ❤

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to be Movies

I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to imagine some of my favorite books as movies/ tv shows, so here’s another Top Ten Tuesday, comin’ at ya.

 1. Crewel by Gennifer Albin. This book was really unique & the world-building was just so vivid. I didn’t ADORE the other books in the series, but I think the first would make a really great movie adaptation. There are so many aspects that would be really amazing to see recreated with movie magic.

2. Saga by Brian K. Vaughan. Another REALLY unique universe. I think it’s great that we already have the wonderful visuals of the universe, thanks to Fiona Staples’ breathtaking illustrations, but I’d love to see these characters come to life even further!

3. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. This is one of my favorite books I’ve read this year, just because it is SO sweet & cute & I really feel for Lara Jean. I think it would make a fun movie that would probably get added to my stack of sick day chick flicks.

4. Blink by Ted Dekker. One of my favorite books when I was in high school – this book is fast-paced with tons of action & a cute little love story beneath the primary plotline. I would love to see how a filmmaker would interpret the experience of Seth’s visions of the future.

5. Circle Series by Ted Dekker. I really love Ted Dekker, and his Circle Series is phenomenal. You get two parallel story lines in two different worlds, and they each make impacts on the other. You barely have time to catch your breath when reading the books – I can only imagine what kind of experience this would be on screen.

6. The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant. Ok, I don’t talk about it much, but I effing LOVE historical fiction. None more so than The Birth of Venus. It’s sexy and exciting while paying homage to some of the greatest artists to ever walk the Earth. The costuming alone would be incredible.

Now, some of my favorites are also in the PROCESS of being adapted for the screen. These are the 4 I’m most excited about:

7. Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Putting Tim Burton at the head of this ship was the best move I could have ever wished for. I ADORE this series & I’m a huge Burton junkie, so this match has me tinkling myself until release day.

8. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Just finished this & could NOT be more amped for the film. I think Spielberg has this locked down. I mean, who can better emulate the 80’s than someone who had his thumb on the pulse of EVERYTHING as it was happening?

9. The Selection by Kiera Cass. Warner Brothers just won the rights to option this film & I’m so, so hoping that it comes to fruition. The WB has attempted to make pilots for a TV show before, with really negative reception from audiences (yours truly included). I’m praying that IF the film is developed that it is done justice. Maxon + America MUST be done justice as one of my all-time favorite ships.

10. The B.F.G. by Roald Dahl. Another of my all-time favorite books. Spielberg’s got his name on this one, too. And I really think it’s going to be great. I read this thing like 100 times as a kid & can’t wait to reread it before the film release.


Woop, there it is. And I assure you, I am geeking the hell out over those last 4.

Top Ten Tuesdays is brought to us all by The Broke & The Bookish. Check out the link-up for more page-to-screen wishlists today!

Until Next Time ❤

[1] Obsessive Wednesdays: Geeking Out

Hi there!  Today I just wanted to share a few things I’m completely obsessing over this week. I mean, it’s about time I live up to my name, right? I’ve been spending a lot of time just catching up on all the fandom amazingness I’ve missed over the last few weeks, so this week has been extra geeky & glorious so far. Check it out:


I absolutely cannot get enough of Sibylline this week. I’ve been lurking my way through her shop since Monday, watching her process videos, and stalking her tumblr for updates. I’m enamored with her style & mesmerized by her videos. Just look at these gorgeous paintings of hers! Seriously, the Buffy print is going to end up in my house someday. And I would kill for the Spider-Gwen!!

Ahhhh. I love them ALL so, so much!


These are the two books I asked my mom for as birthday gifts this year, and I cannot wait until I can hold them in my grubby little hands.

This GORGEOUS edition of The Neverending Story, which was one of my favorite films growing up. I’ve never read the book, but I’m fairly certain it will be the one to pull me out of my reading slump. I mean, who wouldn’t want to bury their nose in that?

Now here’s where I made a total rookie mistake. I was cruising Amazon because I knew I NEEDED this book when it was released. And I saw the paperback cover and fell in love. I was really surprised that Amazon still said it was being released on April 28, but it’s been so long since I’ve pre-ordered a hard copy of a book I just figured things had changed. I specifically asked for the paperback & now I realize it won’t be released for MONTHS. It’s time to decide – do I have my mom cancel her order & order the hardcover instead? Do I just get it from the library & wait for my paperback edition to add to my collection? Argh. I just want this one! Right now! [insert tantrum here]



Spider Gwen! I’ll be honest, I have not ACTUALLY read these yet, but that does not mean I’m not obsessing over them. I’ve been waiting for the Edge of Spiderverse trade to come in (it’s waiting for me at the comic shop now!! eeeeeek) and also trying to get my hands on a copy of issue #2 since I didn’t get the series added to my pull list in time. WOMP WOMP.  Once those are in my hands, though, it’s on. That is all.

Also, I finally picked up Saga #27. This is getting read on Saturday ❤

Movies/ TV

Here’s a couple no-brainers:

Yeah, I’m completely geeking out about the Age of Ultron premiere tomorrow. I can’t stop watching interview footage. I’m going to die of happy when it’s over.  It’s been nice knowing y’all.

Finished watching Daredevil last night & holy. shit. I can’t even find words to describe how I feel about this show. I might re-watch the whole thing & write up a full review. It was AMAZING.

DC TV: Flash & Arrow have been SO good lately. Seriously, is there anyone who wants to talk to me about last week’s episode of Arrow? Because I can’t stop thinking about how absolutely insane it was. My god.


Cold Brew Coffee. So, I’m a caffeine junkie.  Let’s just get that out of the way. I cannot survive the day without a fix of espresso or energy drink. For the last year, I’ve been addicted to the Monster Zero Ultra energy drinks, but let’s be honest – you don’t really know what those things do to your body. I’ve been trying to go back to coffee, but I feel like it’s way more expensive & not as satisfying. Until now. My Starbuck’s/ coffee shop drink of choice has been an iced Americano for the last year and, while they’re not nearly as pricey as the sugary drinks, that’s still $4 for a Venti. Now I’ve discovered cold-brew coffee & it’s way better. Plus I can do it myself from home. I was gifted a jug of cold-brew Caribou coffee & it no joke tastes like chocolate coffee. Mix in a little ice & water and you have essentially a smoother, less acidic Americano.  I’m all in.

I’m going to try & do these types of posts more regularly, so if there’s’ anything you think deserves highlighting, you better let me know so I can get obsessed with it 🙂

Until Next Time ❤

Comic Newbie: My First Comic EVER

I’ve done it. I’ve popped my Comic Book cherry. And I am completely hooked.

While I bought the first 4 issues of Vision & The Scarlet Witch at NewBo Con a couple weeks ago, I still haven’t read those. My first foray into comics ended up being one that came highly recommended from multiple sources & doesn’t even have anything to do with superheroes. Seriously, who knew there were comics NOT about superheroes? Ugh. Noob status.


I’m really glad I started with Saga. I feel like it really opened my eyes to the possibilities in the world of comics & showed me that comics are NOT just for kids who are obsessed with superheroes. I mean, this comic is FOR ADULTS. I actually got kind of concerned by the mature subject matter because the copy I read came from the Library and I thought all the comics were stored with the YA Lit. I was super relieved to find that they only house Manga in the YA section & all the comics/ graphic novels are actually on the 2nd floor with the movies & nonfiction. Seriously, no 12-year-old who is perusing the YA section should be able to get their hands on this (at least in my opinion). All that said, I am entirely obsessed with this series. I’ve only read the volume one so far, but I have 2-4 at home, just waiting for me to pick them up & devour them.

Let me start with the reading experience. I did read a little manga back when I was in high school. I had a boyfriend who was really into Japanese culture & we watched a ton of anime & read manga pretty much exclusively. It was never really my favorite. I enjoyed it, but never found that story that really hooked me in. I was mostly doing it so he’d like me more. But that experience made reading this comic pretty natural for me.

I love that I can get through so much content & narrative in such a short period of time. The first volume took me somewhere around 30 minutes to read completely due to the lack of descriptive language. That’s a huge benefit for someone who hates to pick up a book unless I have hours to devote to making some serious progress in the story. Comics don’t need all that frilly language to describe what’s going on, because it’s all presented visually, which brings me to the artwork.

saga art

Oh my god. I’m a former art major and I cannot get over the beauty of the illustrations in this comic. Fiona Staples is now very high on my bucket list of people to meet before I die. The colors are vibrant, even during dark scenes and there is so much expression in the characters’ faces that it’s practically like watching a movie. Every single panel is its own unique work of art & I love having all of that at my fingertips. The visual drives the narrative which, again, is completely enthralling.


Brian K. Vaughan is one hell of a creative dude. This world he has created is full of magic and mystery and romance and brutality. It is not idealized. It feels like a world that could actually  exist in some far-off reaches of the universe. It’s easy to root for the main characters on their journey because it’s so easy to identify with them on any number of levels. I’m keeping things vague for those who haven’t read it, but Alana is quickly becoming one of my favorite female fictional characters of all time (holy alliteration, batman!). And I love that the whole thing is being narrated by Hazel. It’s a really unique perspective and I love her sassy attitude.


Star Wars-style action collides with Game of Thrones-esque drama in this original sci-fi/fantasy epic for mature readers, as new parents Marko and Alana risk everything to raise their child amidst a never-ending galactic war.

Fiona Staples - Saga Illustration

First Panel of Vol. 2 – I already sneaked a peak & it’s GORGEOUS

Saga, Vol. 1 gets  a glorious 5/5 stars on Goodreads & an unprecedented 11/10 stars in my heart. Can’t wait to get into the next volume. Not to mention all the other comics this has led me to check out from the library. Here’s what’s coming up on my list:

I have all of these for the next 3 weeks & can’t wait to get into some different styles of comics. I’ve taken to carrying one with me instead of my Kindle. 🙂

Do you have any suggestions for a newbie to the comic world? I’m ready & willing to learn!

Until Next Time ❤

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